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Thanks a ton for playing!

Fortunately, many of these issues are already planned on being addressed, especially the audio issues! I agree that a lot of elements in this build were poorly communicated, such as the double Motivate and debuff thing, so we've actually made some big overhauls to the feedback on those elements! I appreciate it!

I'd also like to thank you specifically for playing the game for so long despite not being a fan of this type of game! I can understand how thankless a role testing these sorts of things can be, and wanted to make sure you know it helps us a lot!

Finally, good work on figuring out who I am, nyeh heh heh! I know I didn't do a great job keeping my identity a secret, but hey, just like you said, I'm not exactly super famous anyway. My main concern is that my small little audience of fans doesn't find out about this until it's time to let them know, so I appreciate you not broadcasting that information!

This was very good feedback! Thanks a bunch!