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(2 edits) (+1)

Things I liked:

- Love the movement mechanic.

- Good choice of music; it works well for this game.

- Despite its simplicity, the game works really well.

Things I didn't like:

- Visual aesthetic is maybe a little too bare-bones (which may partially be due to Itch since I know that my game had some silly glow effects that Itch didn't render). I like the minimalism, but I think a little bit of polish could've done wonders. The same applies with sound, namely SFX--some SFX could've really elevated this game, I think.

- The play again/quit game buttons didn't work for me most of the time for some reason.

- The music doesn't seem to loop, leaving me in dead silence after a certain point.

Regardless, good job!

Side note: My high score is currently 14149, though I know I could go higher than that.

Edit: My new high score is 15881 😎


Thanks for the feedback! I definitely think I should have spent the time and made sure to fix the audio issues that exist within the game and possibly more time playtesting (I didn't even realize the music wasn't looping till now, haha). I'm still not sure what the issue is with the play again button since it seems to work only when not on full screen. In any case, I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)