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Thank you very much for taking the time to play the game and provide the feedback. I am really glad you were able to have some fun playing the game, that is the best feedback I could have hoped to hear.

Really sorry about the crashes you experienced. I appreciate if you could tell me if you tried the game on Windows 10 or Windows 11, so I can further explore the issue.

Regarding the feedback on the controls, I am glad that you felt the controls were smooth, that is super important for a platformer like Automatonics.

Regarding the aiming down ability, it is in fact intended to work only when you jump, the instructions should indeed be more clear. Anyway, for future development it seems like it could be useful to review the aiming down ability, and maybe allow it when the player is on ground. Thanks for pointing that out.


You're welcome! For the crashes, I was playing on Windows 10 not Windows 11.