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idea Prison Warden

i think it would be cool if you were able to tame or dominate all the main contenders in the prison that the higher ups no matter what your ending is would contact you and ask you to come in as the warden

with maybe the ability to make everyone a dedicated companion and each would join you as a vice warden so if you mainly coop tavi

she would become a dommy for the inmates when you find her doing any inmate interaction she will be kind hearted if you break her in and dommy if shes been saved in her normal mind

if you sware and oath to rahi then she will snitch on people who are to your liking are you a dom then she will inform you of people who are subs who need to be punished

with the other guards they will try to cause trouble for you but if you mate them and treat them good they will eventualy turn to your side and respect you as a warden

i think this could be a cool end game minigame where you own the prison now and your partners will act as your guards and overseers

with your main oath being the vice admiral

anyone who is your friends will gain a SGT role

and anyone who you choose will become a prison guard

you get to have a room where you can train both prisoners and the guards on how to respect you

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

Couldn't have said something like that, I actually had an idea like that for a long time but just never thought that could work.

My idea was just like a DLC, Where it started off like the instake process. But instead, you were being hired by the captain, and of course you could customize your character however you wanted.

I also had the idea of a new floor in the prison called the "Armory", Which i think is pretty self explanatory.  

The idea of being able to play as a guard in BDCC Floods my mind with so many ideas, (including but not limited to guards.) Like what if there were new clothes/armors for the guards like Light guard armor, all the way up to Juggernaut armor.

I also think in my opinion, the nurse's could use an improvement in the clothing tab. Like Lab Coats, or Different variations of what they already wear, idk but it would be cool the see.

There's a lot to think about when it comes to making something that would completely change the entire game, But i'm Definitely on board with it.

I do remember the fact that Rahi is also still working on the game, and it's probably far from done. but i do wonder if she will finish making the "Good prisoner" route for Tavi's story next.

i mean the idea was because of the games current ending and how theres an opening in the warden slot

i could maybe imagian after you escape they send a assassin after you and your given two choices

1 take over the prison

2 become a prisoner forever


3 death