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absolutely! While the channel F has a lot of limitations on the speed that graphics update on the screen, G&W games fit nicely into it.

E5frog has given me some ideas to improve this one so might work on that first, but definitely looking forward to making some more. After March I might have more time for this as I'm cutting down to 4-5 days work.

I think I know some of them you might like. Chef, Flag, Judge, Sonic 3 Tiger handheld or Tom and Jerry Popper by Gakken.

Chef I actually owned, so would love to do that, I had quite a few sega tiger electronics too, sonic, shinobi and after burner. If I can get the after burner type game to run on a Fairchild I'll be quite happy!

Thanks for the ideas, might try some of them!

You're welcome.