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(2 edits)

Speaking of the level selector, I was thinking that if I add more levels (i.e. 12, 30, 59, 69…), new players would take ages just to complete the whole game and finally get the level selector! So, for them, in 1.2.0 to 2.0.0, the level selector will be before the actual game itself. They will start with level 1 already unlocked, because there’s no level 0. As they progress, they’ll get closer and closer to the end.

And speaking of level 0, in debug mode, when you get to level 0, there’s nothing you can do. You’re in the shadow realm of Buggle’s levels that is level 0. Level 0 will get removed in 1.1.0

Anyway, back to the level selector! The level selector will be a grid of levels with their names. Its animations will feel smooth AF!

Note: I gave up on the level selector sadly :<. When do you think the level selector’s gonna be postponed to? Reply your guess!


Probably 1.5.0



Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Maybe 1.1.1?
