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I really like the idea of the game, I think i played it through but the end is just a violette screen? That was the only thing that seemed really off to me. Also the switching shadow places and with enemies wasn't really needed for anything except jumping over holes , I am sure there is some more potential in its uses, maybe add a small damage explosion when switching for the first time or something like that. 

The art is really cool, the feeling of the game as well. 

I don't know if I like the one shot kill range enemies that shoot really fast as I sometimes got stuck in an infinite loop of dying and dying again because they just shot me instantly when I was back alive.

I am very glad that respawning is that generous because if it weren't, I wouldn't have made it till the end.

You should definitely continue on this!


Thank you so much for such detailed comment. Yeah, it has many flaws, havent really managed my time good enough to think about creative respawning and red shadow usage. Im glad you liked the artstyle))