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OH EM GOSH!!! I positively ADORED this game! like all of the little details are so crazy cool.

Before I go into a rant about how cool this game is, small spoiler warning.

Okay, the way you went out of your way to add cat sound affects when you went down the party routes and dog sound affects when you went down the batting cage routes is so wonderfully vivid and it was such a fun thing to notice on my first playthrough. 

The messy, frantic artsyle of the entire game adds so much to the experience and the amount of art youve managed to pack in there is super impressive. Plus all of it has this grand amount of espressiveness to it that really makes the game come to life! One of my personal favorite details was the way that Milo flicks his earing while talking in the party route, it adds such a layer of personality to him.

This detail took me a second to notice but I found it SO cool is how you change the background of each characters nametag to symbolize who they are as a person or their role in the game, and for Milo, how his name tag changes throughout the game to symbolize his change. Its especially cool how every nametag image is an eye motif. My personal favorite was Valli's, i love the stroking lines and rigid nature of it, which seems to reflect her outwardly brash personality. Correct me if im wronng but the middle arms or tendrils or whatever of it almost look like their holding drum sticks (not the food but the instrument kind just to clarify).

Desmonds is cool because it showcases how he sees whats going on, but isnt entirely active in whats happening. A weary observer.

And as for Seph, we dont see much of him in the game so I honestly dont really know but I do know it looks super cool with the little markings around it.

And Milos, the squinted eye slowly opening into an eye that looks down, as if meeting Eris' gaze, in the party route, or up, as if blindly following Eris, in the batting cage route? yet again SO COOL!!!

Additionally, I loved the development with Ryans story and backstory, and how to find out all of the details of Ryans story (and Eris' part in it) you have to play through pretty much all of the routes. It made each new route played feel all that more gratifying!

This is a smaller one, but how the MC's og name is Eris, after the goddess of strife and discord, was also such a cool detail.

Plus the loading and save screens changing depending on which route/part of the game youre on? AMAZING.

I know ive probably gushed a bit too much in this review, but the long and short of it is that you did a killer job with this game and id reccomend it to any and everyone. The amount of work and detail youve put into it, along with the fun gameplay and wicked story line make for a truly unique and enjoyable game. I hope to see more works of yours in the future!


Whoa, thank you so much for this long review! I love reading reviews for my game, it's so much fun. 

Yeah, the effects were something I did kind of impromptu while I was adding in the different sfx since I thought it would be a good way to foreshadow what kind of person Milo ends up being depending on what route you take. I (tried to) slowly mix it before they became their new version so you can kind of feel the progression of what they're turning into.

For the expressions (I guess, specifically for the sprites), it was my first time using layered image, but the process is very similar to a type of game modding I like to do, so I kind of went overboard on the expressions. Pretty much every line has a slight expression change for the sprite that you're viewing, which now that I think about it, is kind of insane. But I've always been a big fan of adding in small details like that in games. I wanted to give each version of Milo a specific habit that they might do, like with Pre Milo he hops like a bunny (or binkying, as I've heard) when he's happy, and certain sounds that the Milos make are associated with their mood and whatnot. I'm glad that my previous modding experience let me add in all these things naturally. 

Ooh, I'm glad you noticed the name tags! For Valli, I was actually going more for the circuits that a USB or computer has to associate her more with her tech side since we don't really see too much of it in the scene that she's in. 

I like your interpretation on Desmond's! I actually don't quite remember what I was going for there... Probably something associated with his anger since he actually has really bad anger issues he deals with.

For Seph, he's supposed to be in a (possible) future game where he (and two other love interests) get lost in a forest with a giant ancient sadistic being that's trying to get out. You are that giant ancient sadistic being. His nametag was an idea of the kinds of symbols that are associated with more ancient drawings you might see. Since there's three different forms I wanted to try out for the MC of that game, I wanted to make it a bit vague. There is some extra lines for him if you use either Cryptic, Abyss or Primal as the MC's name. 

Yup!! You totally got it. It also mimics the eyeshapes that the Milos have when turning into their other forms. Easter egg, Ryan and Poison (that's the fighter you see in Violence's route) have the same name tag as the MC. This is because they are both aware and part of the plan of what the MC is trying to make Milo into. You'll also notice that they have an eye design somewhere on them, which is wide open, fully aware of what the MC is doing and powerless to stop them. The two Milos also have eye motifs on their designs but they are never open fully. 

Ooh, that's great! I am planning to have an extra story involving Eris and Ryan's past, specifically what Eris has on the USB that is so incriminating. Hopefully that will be something fun to look forward to.

Thank you! I think Eris suits them as a good default name and I'm really glad that you enjoyed the details! Makes putting them in worth it. 

Daww, you recommend it to people! That's so cool- I'm always shocked when people recommend my game to others. My next game will be a lot more light hearted, based of characters in Valli's world, called Alpha's Day Off! It's actually the game I was working on before this one. I'm not sure if the people who like this game will enjoy that one, but I hope you'll stick around and try it out.