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hello, I downloaded the game but when I try to play it I have a black screen/line whenever I move the cursor, I updated all my drivers like it's said to do on this page but it still doesn't work.

Were you able to get it working. I have been trying for days.

no still not, idk what to do, I even tried deleting and downloading the game again and nothing

The same thing as the other person! :D Try this

"If a black line appears under the cursor and move with it check if you need to update your drivers."

hello, thanks for your answer but as I said in my comments all my drivers have been updated and nothing changed I still have the black line appearing . 

Hey, this is from the dev themself! Hope it helps 

"If a black line appears under the cursor and move with it check if you need to update your drivers."

In my case nothing needs to be updated. Its not a black line the whole screen is black .