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I think there should be a free-play session between each day that adds new ingredients. Day 1 after day 0 should have started you out with just the first three items that you get to practice with and then having a day 1.5 where you're introduced to the next three to commence experimentation again would have been appreciated instead of being thrusted into the deep end.

Perhaps a scaling difficulty to adjust the patience of the patrons so that more memory oriented players could have an increased challenge, or replays could be tougher once a player is more comfortable, while also allowing fresher players an easier time to wade into the pool. There could even be art bonuses for people who beat each day on harder difficulties as well by meeting certain quotas!

A catalog on the side would be a great boon as well to give players a reference for found combinations so that we're not just flailing in the dark or having to keep a notepad or sticky note handy at all times.

All in all this game has tons of promise and I haven't really experienced any game ruining bugs to write home about! This was well made and it's certainly cute, it could just use some time put in on QoL upgrades. The idea of having somewhere in the ballpark of 100+ different combos is impressive and I think it could be really fun with some polish behind it!