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I have an older save from the dupe beta but replacing data.sav didn't fixed the issue, it only restores my settings and stats until that point promting me the message that the save was from a previous version. Maybe the save was corrupted because I didn't replaced or resetted objets/events on the latest save (That last save has an endelss string of NUL text).

Maybe the best thing will be to just play in the old save and lose several days of progress, better than starting over again. From now on I will do a backup of the save files just in case.

NUL bytes in the save file itself or just in its name in game? If in save file, then that probably isn't connected to data.sav, computer stores all writes to file in RAM first, and only then flushes them to disk to increase performance, when you had a power outage it didn't had enough time to write everything to disk and save file was left with only NUL bytes in it

Ah I see. Yes the file itself is NUL. Buying an UPS ASAP haha.