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Acabo de comprar patreon y eso es cierto, por mas progreso que tengan en versiones anteriores no servirá en la 0.2.3 , que pena,  ahora a trabajar de nuevo :((, pero es bueno ya no ver la alerta de crasheo a cada rato :)))


That is very true Daniel 😌 at least that is fix. I just finish watching mastermax888 latest video according to him both him and gamingrose help fatal fire studios testing the new version of the game to make sure there are no more issues with all the crashes that 2.0 update had, also they added a lot of new features but they also remove some costumes for the girls as well have you seen that ????

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Si por ejemplo el traje CROSSONEU de CHIKU y otro más que no recuerdo no están disponibles, pero no es mucho problema, ahora con los compañeros robots, se le agregó la función adicional de atraer a solo una animatrónica en específico y la función de atraer a todas, la verdad sigo sin entender que el modo historia no esté, pero me doy cuenta en la portada al inicio del juego que la actualización solo contiene el arcade por el título : FAPNAF ARCADE igual en su versión ARCADE 0.2.3  , me doy cuenta que se pudo dividir en dos partes este arcade, ojalá y con muchas ganas lo digo estén trabajando en el Especial de Navidad, pero el modelado de las chicas y el guardia se nota más trabajado con muchos mejores gráficos, bueno la espera continua aunque disfrutaré esta actualización :)))

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Oh so you notice the maid chiku is not in the game this is the one i mean However the other Croseneu outfit of the other girls are in the game, i believe that they forgot to add it in the new 2.3 update if someone can point that out to them i am sure they will re add the maid Chiku outfit 😌😌.

Also since you are a member of there patreon have you read the comments section of the 2.3 update like have someone ask about when they think the new 2.4 update will be available????

Update: Mastermax888 just fill me in on the maid chiku outfit according to him that outfit is being remade and will be available in the next update.


Hablar de 2.4 es muy temprano, quizá haya novedades en unas 3 semanas , estaré al tanto :)))


Well if you hear anything Please let us know 😉😉, i do hear some good info online but not too much, however i have heard some interesting information on mastermax888 in the comments of his latest video well i heard it by accident it was something i was not supposed to know it was only for patreon members I can’t say anything until next month when the 2.3 update will be uploaded here on itch.

This info I have is “SUPER” juicy 😁 but i have said I have to wait until next month have you heard this news about the arcade mode????

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Estoy desactualizado casi totalmente de Youtube, pero reservaré un par de horas para investigar quizás si quizás no , solo pedir que no sea tanta la demora de las actualizaciones :))