Yea, just looks to be going very slowly. Output from -v :
▐█░░░░ ▌ 4.14% @ 2.88 MiB/s, 1.35 GiB left [cu-0] ← 308 Resume Incomplete (in 110.001ms)
[cu-0] ✓ Commit succeeded (1 blocks stored @ 2.27 MiB/s)
▐█░░░░░ ▌ 4.24% @ 2.88 MiB/s, 1.32 GiB left [ru-0] Uploading 1 chunks
[cu-0] → Uploading 62652416-62914559 (more to come)
[cu-0] ← 308 Resume Incomplete (in 96.9965ms)
[cu-0] ✓ Commit succeeded (1 blocks stored @ 2.58 MiB/s)
▐█░░░░░ ▌ 4.26% - network idle, 1.32 GiB left
and then it sits.