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Hi, the engine I used is Godot. I used Blender for the 3D models, Krita for textures and audacity for audio. 

Good luck on your first game!


do u code tho or u dont need to. im been using some free none code program and so many problems happening and isnt easy first time + u game is good u made ;)


I do! I use GDScript with godot. I don't think godot provides any other ways to define behaviour, other than code anyway. But, I prefer code anyways so I don't mind it.

You don't have to learn coding, but it's definetly an useful skill to have, and it's not as scary as it looks. GDScript is actually pretty simple, and easy to learn! You do have to learn godot as well though.

Also, thanks! I'll be sure to check out your game when it comes out!


hopefully will finish one