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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Revo-GOOSE-ionary. I try to host Dungeons & Dragons with my homies. They all want to play Revo-GOOSE-ionary. I suggest Pathfinder. They all want to play Revo-GOOSE-ionary. I try to get them to play ISEKAI. They all want to play Revo-GOOSE-ionary. I want to play Lancer. They say Revo-GOOSE-ionary is better. I load up Tabletop Simulator. A goose appears on the screen.

The goose grabs me by the throat. I make a character sheet. I play an 8-hour session of Revo-GOOSE-ionary. The goose isn't satisfied. I get the goose elected as mayor of the city. "I don't want to be mayor, I want to overthrow the world's governments" the goose tells me. "Get me Xi Jinping." It grabs my phone and starts calling the Chinese Government. "I just need to call him a Pooh Bear and he'll step down. He can't disobey Goose Willis."

“Get me the Nuclear Codes” it says. I can't get the nuclear codes, I don't have access to the Pentagon. The goose siezes my guns. They crumble into dust. "Guess this is the end." It grabs Joe Biden. There is no hint of sadness in its eyes. Nothing but pure hatred for the government. What a cruel world.