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(3 edits)

When you update the game next, please tweak the Elf Kingdom so it shows a recommended pearl amount for the next character, preferably before you take them on. At least have Helen tell you that your strength is based on current pearl count BEFORE losing to the gatekeeper and getting a sore arm in real life from clicking so much. I'd also like some sort of in-game hint as to how to unlock the Elf Kingdom because the current method is kinda unintuitive (no one needed to be over level 180 for anything except to unlock their bonus CGs).

There should also be clearer hints for how to defeat them. For example, "keep moving up the stairs" doesn't translate to "keep moving the mouse around the screen," especially since there's no visual for whether or not you're doing the right thing like there is for the gatekeeper (the stair animation keeps happening regardless). Plus, mouse movement was never needed before this point (only clicking was needed), making it extra unintuitive that this is the opposite.

P.S. A few summons don't have female-player variants for their CGs (such as Kass and Sonia), or if they do, they don't display in place of the male-player variants. If it's the former, I can wait. EDIT: Okay, I checked the graphics folder, and Sonia's 5th CG's female variant is there, so it not displaying is a game-side issue. Kass's 5th CG doesn't appear to have a female-variant yet, though, so I'll just have to wait for that one.