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Say what you will, but I genuinely really enjoyed this. I don't know if it's some kind of brain worm I have, but the core loop of being on a monopoly board and cracking combinations of numbers to outwit your enemies is extremely satisfying. I couldn't say if it would be the same for our mathematically-challenged virtual tubers, but this was worth it. There's plenty to be said about UI/UX improvements and polish, the ability to see a game board, or perhaps to spin a multi-stage progression out of it... or even a head-to-head timed PvP battle 😳

The Tokino Sisters, Takodachi, KFPs, and Enemy A (all of whose dialogue made me laugh a touch) stood no chance in the face of chaotic math. The music I think also helped, since it captivated me for the entire duration. I'm not kidding when I say I spent about an hour playing this and would consider coming back a third time.