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Hello, this looks like a decent start.

Issues I noticed while playing:

Text color is not sufficient to tell apart the characters when you introduce 3 of them all at once like that. Like, there's nothing to indicate which color aligns with which character.

Vampire Lady's font is distinct, but a little hard to read.

The art is pretty nice. Am I wrong or was this not always anime-styled?

Sprint meter depletes even while standing still if you press sprint. should probably check to see that you're actually moving

Okay, strange bug; First time I played the game I could open my inventory but could not equip the guns no matter how or where I clicked; Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to happen again on subesequent playthroughs, so I can't tell you why it happened.

You shoot when clicking back into the game after tabbing out. Might be annoying in a survival horror

You'll probably want a text popup for picking things up or using doors like you have for interacting with stuff in the world.

Grammatical issues I noticed:

Vampire Lady intro

shalln't is not a word I'm pretty sure, it contracts to shan't

She says "sleep with I" instead of "sleep with me". but you want to rephrase it as "sleep here" so it doesn't sound like she's asking the teen girls to have sex with her.

"I shall show thee to our humble dining room" - "thee" and "thou" are both singular, so it should just be regular ol' "you".
"I will show thou to thy room" Here you do need "thee" instead of "thou". Except I think she's talking to all the girls, not just Meredith, so it should be "I will show you to your rooms"

(1 edit)

Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback and bug reports! Will definitely get on those. Glad you liked what was there, a lot more has been added since! It did indeed look different, I posted like two screenshots in the thread about a month ago where it was a more realistic style, but it looked kinda shit, so I went with the anime style, hopefully it doesn't look too 'soft' for a horror game. Also, there are supposed to be sexual undertones to the vampire asking her to bed, haha. Its a vampire story after all! Glad you picked up on it though, was worried it would fly past people. And shalln't is the old form of shan't, but good catch on the other grammar errors!

Will review yours when I get the chance.