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1.5.1 of Mario memes map collection has been released!

Mario meme's map collection! by Mario meme (

(4 edits) (+2)

Mario meme your Floors are kinda buggy and weird. Here some tips for it to be better

1. PlayTest your level and find some weird bugs.

2. Decorate the level to make some beauty and chellenges.

3. Add some points so the character Doesn't act weird Green ones are just for hallways put All of them in the hallways Don't put it on rooms. Red its only for rooms Not for hallways ROOMS So what does it do put it on some doors Baldi Will Hear the trigger For the point thats what it does. and the player detention spawner thingy point and same principal Spawn Thingy point its only for the detention It teleports you to The detention with principal so yeah those are the points.

4. 69:)

(1 edit) (+2)

Im sorry if you hate them I will fix them in 1.5.2, and I will remade the layouts,

I don't actually hate them but i gaved you some tips!


Ok i see