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I see what you're going for here.  The cutscenes are obviously the main point of this demo, and I guess a randomized maze is a pretty sensible way to show them off, because it forces there to be some space inbetween cutscenes, and induces that panicked feeling of not knowing where your companions are.  I appreciate the automapping, but since it doesn't track which exits you've tried and which you haven't, you can easily miss part of the map unless you follow a strict left-hand or right-hand rule.  Having to follow a rule combined with the identical scenery in every room makes it feel more like a chore than exploration.

Anyway, not bad for a proof-of-concept.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I wanted to have the cutscenes in the demo to at least show off the characters and the separation mechanic, and also to have some kind of cutscene setup in place so that they're easy to add later in development. The exploring is lacking a lot right now, and I definitely want to add more room variety with objectives, and also the suggestion of marking exits.