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Oh wow! ^^

Glad you liked my games that much, and also thanks for such complete feedback! ^^

And indeed... ^^;

The truth is that I already have way too much stuff to deal with in my life, and too many ideas, too many projects, too little time to work on these bigger ideas, and too little capacity of keeping focusing in only one thing for too long! ^^;

So yeah... ^^;

I actually would love to be able to put some actual effort into my games, but I just can't can't get the time nor energy to do it, and the fact I don't make a penny from them while simultaneously working on a job I don't like and trying to find a better job really doesn't help much with the situation... what once again, are things that many other independent game developers deal with... but my inability to actually focus and be always wanting to create other stuff ends up being a huge drawback... ^^;

But yeah... for Water Warfare I indeed wanted to create more body diversity... more options for the bodies, being more slim, medium, large, short, tall, muscular, younger, older, add trans and hermaphrodite bodies and bodies with prosthetic limbs... also wanted to add body hair options, scars, tattoos and accessories (such as glasses, hats, duck buoys etc.)... but in the end, I am terribly bad at 3D modelling and texturing, and rigging and painting sking weight are a nightmare capable of breaking my files to such a frustrating degree that this game was stuck in a limbo twice (first one for 2 years, second time another year) because I just gave up trying to deal with that! ^^;

So when I managed to get at least 2 body options I decided I'd release the first version of the game with that before I could give up on the game again! XD

Aaahhh.. ^^;

Either way... in the end, as one of the very few naturist game developers out there, I decided more not-that-good games, but trying different styles and appealing to different audiences could be better than just trying to make one single excellent game, and only pleasing one small group of players...

But yeah... more projects awaits in the future! ^^

Perhaps I visit back these game I already published for some updates, but can't promise anything... ^^;