Wow. you seem to have an interesting interpretation.
So basically recap:
1. someone was talking about flower being too pro.
2. Bowboi, since he's clearly a fucking noob who cant cope that someone doesn't get a 10 fps sack of what he calls a computer, calls flower, and simultaneously all of 2s spammers. (Watch his video "hacker found" or smth like that i cant keep up with his retarded shit and see how much he spams) Compare his gameplay with flower's bow3 + long poke (spam where???)
To boohoo shitboi: Stop fucking complaining about your 5 fps computer and getting mad that the others get 60. Cope harder.
3. This escalates, and because the other people of 2s are decent rather than the piles of shit you pick up here, come to defend.
4. In your interpretations: 2S=jerk. Actually, from how I see it, 2S was being actually decent by defending a friend. (Who was it who actually pulled out the profanity first?)
Fuck off all of you. Maybe find something good to do with your lives and maybe try basing your statements off a little bit of fact.
Go kys. The faster you quit, the better.