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Better Controlling for Keyboard needet

A topic by RBG1999 created 67 days ago Views: 65 Replies: 1
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I Like the Concept, but i hated the Controlls.

The Tutorial and all shows XBox Controller butttons... Its a little confusing, but the worst part in my opinion is, that when you try the Dancing minigame it also shows XBox Controller buttons and not just that...

With Keyboard, Space = A and Y, x = B and "Shift" = X

Wen i Try with my Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller, everything is ok besides the X key, it gets triggered ingame by using L1 insted of X

After i couldnt do it on first try the game just lockt me in and i could do nothing else then to close the game.

Why do you deside to use Gamepad Controlls when you releasing a game for PC?

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing,
We're still trying the full capabilites and what will make the most of gameplay system of the engine.
For keyboard support I plan to add them in the options to change the settings after we solidify more for the gameplay and events soon,
Though it tooks time so I kinda worked on other gameplay and writing.
*some of them got irl or college stuff so I took the workload off again that makes the dev a bit slow.