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So now what I can actually play the game:

Obviously, you've got to enjoy the content that the disclaimer warns of. Because it hits on it pretty great. 

Pros: Good story, an interesting art style, and now that the game is functional, it's not that hard and gives plenty of well spaced break opportunities. Despite the large amount of text, there was only two typos I saw in the entire game.

Cons: 1) There is a huge text to animation ratio. Obviously, that's the point of the game, but still. 

2) This is not a good font for a typing game. It's very difficult to tell certain CAPITALIZATIONS from lower case letters, such as o and O. Additionally, as many people have mentioned, the : was damn near invisible, even in full screen, on a large monitor.

3) When making a typing game, having casual writing (Gotta, gonna, RANDOM CAPITALIZED WORDS) really throws off the flow. 

Final thoughts; 6.5 out of 10. Good for one playthrough on easy mode, great story if you like the kinks, but ultimately this is just a really invested way to read a vore story.