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Ok found out why you lost your Save File. It's not only an Issue on the Web build but also on the Downloadable Version. If you just close your Game without pressing escape and exit back to the main menu, It won't save. Keep that in Mind!


Some additional comments:
- I think screen scroll should be used instead of sharp screen switching. There are way too many blind jumps required.
- On some occasions, Bae will be standing on platforms that are out of screen, and I cant adjust my position on the platform safely.
- Overall difficulty should be adjusted. The new mechanics are cool and all, but some maneuver requirements with these mechanics are way too complex. (there is one part on the cloud where I am expected to predict the bounce from the ceiling, then bouncing back from the wall in front, and perform a back air jump into a small gap that I barely made it altitude wise)
- 2 exploits, you can save scum by refreshing page without going to menu if you fall, and saving while in the air will allow you to lose horizontal momentum. (you can make full jumps, then exit out and return, Bae will fall straight down)

Thank you for the Feedback. Good things i should maybe keep in mind next Time I make something like this but I probably wont continue this Game anyway after the Jam ends.