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Thanks for the feedback! For the rooms looking the same, I planned on making a proper procedurally generated "dungeon" with different rooms, and adding puzzles that need specific characters to progress, like for example, using Thea's fire magic to melt away a snow pile blocking an exit. The igloos were also meant to be something the player had to build, but I couldn't code that in time for the jam. I also agree that there's too much backtracking in the game as it is.

I see now the issue with the Tobias + player pairing when going the wrong way. It's random right now, which characters go missing, but maybe I should change the probabilities for that, or even add conditions for who stays with the player based on some story flags.

There's definitely some feelings of caution there when dealing with NTR themes. It's not for everyone, but I felt the desire to take part in the jam and make a game to explore it and share, so I'm happy to see others who have similar interests.