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(2 edits)

***Ouch, I've Fallen Down and I can't get up (In D Major):

(qu)(oi) (qo)(oi) (qo)(oi) (qu)(oi) (qo)(oi) (qo)(oi)

eio ie pwpqwe

(qy)(eu) (qi)(eu) (qi)(eu) (qy)(eu) (qi)(eu) (qi)(eu)

(qy)(pu) (qi)(pu) (qi)(pu) (qy)(pu) (qi)(pu) (qi)(pu)

(qu) (wi) (qo) (wi) (po) (qi)

(ip) (u) (iw) (u) (io) (u)

The letters in parenthesis are played at once.

(Also, since it's impossible to get sharps/flats in this, the 'pwpqwe' is slightly inaccurate,  since the second letter in that should be sharp. However, this doesn't seem to impact the feel of the song too much, so it is okay to ignore it.