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Deleted 94 days ago

I did… do you have any other mods installed?

Yes, did you look through all of the log?

(1 edit)

I must’ve missed something, what model of tractor are you buying?

Other mods can also mess with the mod causing errors.

That was the 55 

the error says “FS19_used_oliver”

That’s not my mod..

I downloaded it from here

huh, I’ll look into it right now 

if you have any other Oliver mods installed from other modders they conflict.

(1 edit)

well, the 55 series has errors (I think I remember there being some,  but I can’t remember), but I am focusing on the 00 and 50 series for now, once I finish them I’ll get the errors sorted out on the 55s

i've not had any errors show up after removing other olivers tho 

I’ll look in the log, I think the other guy had another mod installed and was confused