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Louise's Review: ★★★★★

I liked Dead Plate. This is the first game I've encountered with food, love, and cannibalism — all of which I immensely take joy in seeing in media. Although slightly frustrating at times, I also enjoyed playing Rody in the game. More than a means of interaction, I think it adds more depth to its main character that way. You have Rody who is working as a waiter in a bistro with no other people to help him out, and he is doing all this work for a grumpy boss (sorry Vince, I do love you) and his beautiful and thoughtful ex-girlfriend, Manon (please get with me).

I also enjoyed analyzing the bits of information we would get along the way and keeping them in my head. They are so interesting and precious to me. Well, in general, Dead Plate is just that to me given that it is the first game I have completed all the way through.

If there was anything else I would like from it, probably be an extension. I would have liked to learn more about Vincent, Rody, and (especially) Manon, but then again that would just be a nice addition. Overall, Dead Plate is an unforgettable and quite an intimate experience for me.


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