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(1 edit)

A really interesting concept using different board pieces mixed together, certainly a surprising way to be inspired by the theme.

The game takes around 15 minutes to beat, but it could take several attemps depending on how good you are at solving puzzles. It nice that the go stones have some sort of dynamic way of appearing, not totally random, but they appear in a way that will keep you on your toes and thinking ahead when moving the pieces.

The graphics are simple but work and the dialog scene between the pieces is charming.

The implementation of the way to move the pieces or attack is a bit rustic, seems it makes use of the skill system of LT by making moving or attacking actually some kind of warp... also the go stones hit 2 times at the one piece stuck to the palace... so one bad move costed me the piece because I though they would only hit it once :(

It was a fun and enjoyable experience.