Possibly the answer is simple, but I am really a beginner in Godot (4.2 stable). Got the pack, and when running the scene I got some errors that required changing func names in order to make it start. But then, when it worked I saw the log ...
--- Debug adapter server started ---
--- GDScript language server started on port 6005 ---
Attempt to open script 'res://addons/save_system/save_system.gd' resulted in error 'File not found'.
Failed loading resource: res://addons/save_system/save_system.gd. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
Can't autoload: res://addons/save_system/save_system.gd.
editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp:551 - Condition "!info->node" is true. Continuing.
It is missing the autoload file too. My interest was for saving the player's location ... and I am not able to simply make the save.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.