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Really loved the first versions of this game, played lots of hours,  but now it keeps getting worse and worse with each update. There are too many items and too many possible strategies, which makes the game too requiring attention and time for experimenting with mechanics and it looks like the author is not going to stop further inflating and sees the future in infinite pumping of game content making the possible count of strategies much higher than the player's brain could contain. Thanks for the first versions, loved them, and now it's time to find something fresh to play


   More items and more strategies is a good thing??? It would get super boring if you had to do the same strategy every time.  It's great that the devs have been constantly updating the game by adding and balancing items. (and more skins! :) )
   The more recent addition of the item list definitely makes the "too many items to keep track of" issue manageable. It's great to have a game that has a "wiki" built in.

   They seem pretty passionate about this game and it has been great to see it grow since I first played it on release. :)

   That being said; there will probably be a point where there are too many items in the pool, so it would be hard to go a certain strategy because you may never see the items you need. Maybe at that point they can implement some sort of "remove item from pool" function or maybe "decks/subclasses" where you can choose what items show up for you. I know they already have certain items per class, but there may need to be something to help lessen the item pool further if more items are added. 

more items is both good and bad,if there are too many items with builds that are more specific,getting a build you want to do will be harder,but if there are too little items the game will become repeatative quickly,so the key is that you need very good synergy so that nomatter what RNjesus gives you,you can create a good build with it.(I may not be absolutely correct but I think I have a point)