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Originally I wanted to voice act everything through a talk box, but time constraints stopped us from getting to a lot of the sound implementations we wanted to do. We really busted our behinds for those 7 days to put this out.

I'm working on a manual the player can use to read about the different tools and threat types now, but it'll have to be a potential update after the jam of course :) glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

That's good to hear ! And, eyah, I know that 7 days was not easy to make everything we want. For our game it has been the same. We came up with 7 levels ideas to set up but had the time to only make one and it's not even as polished as we wanted it to be but anyway it was a great way to learn where our weaknesses are, and our stregnth too.

If you want one more voice for your game, you can call me, I'll record it fast :)