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Dialogue is a bit boring and a bit too many reused textures. I know it's a lot of work to add background, but seeing blank spaces really ruins the emersion. Non-full screen mode cuts off the bottom and top portion of the game. 

Some NPC Cut-scene walk animations are too long (make them walk faster). Gathering and fetching stuff for NPCs is not interesting (If you are going to add fetching mechanics, at least make it relevant to the story). Music choice was good. But overall didn't really become interested playing the first chapter, hopefully things change with the second.

(2 edits)

Hi there! Ramdom12

I sincerely apologize for the issues you've had with your experience, I have been backed up on time and did not have a lot of time to playtest. 

I fully plan to playtest and polish Chapter 2 and the first one to fit a higher standard. 

As for assets, I am quite backed up on budget and I am mostly working on a bigger project with a higher quality amount of work put into it.

I have taken note of all these problems and see the truth in all of them, I am working to fix these issues as I feel as if the story I have made has potential. 

I plan to make some huge changes with dialogue and other quests. I'm sorry Chapter 1 was not of your interest. 

I hope the changes I will make will move you to play the first chapter and the rest of the story.

