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(1 edit)

(sorry for being overly repetitive again, I just remembered my first sleep paralysis demon (who scared me really bad) and I wanna force my experience on yall share my experience with yall)
This is Scynthia, my first sleep paralysis demon.

I never really saw anything other than her arms(which were unnaturally long and were shaped like scythes, hence the name Scynthia), so I basically made up everything else from there. She likes giant stuffed bears, and will go to extreme lengths to obtain a giant stuffed bear.
Then again, the other 99% of my subconscious has me enter Minecraft Creative Mode and fly(?) across unnaturally large shopping malls and garages with Despicable Me adverts plastered all over the walls, so yeah.


yeah, my dreams are weird

but.. I really would like to just enter a mall in Creative mode. And yet my brain has me compete in a cross-country bean-bag chair kicking competition. it's just... naw.

it's not just malls I ravage in Creative Mode, there's also squishmallow storage plants, macrogarages, school buildings, cursed macrosupermarkets inhabited by evil scrunklies, and evil office buildings with giant bags of chips and stuff(and that one get-vacuum-sealed-and-buried-in-popcorn-unless-you-guess-the-similarities-between-these-two-characters-that-have-nothing-to-do-with-each-other-besides-maybe-a-few-things minigame that looks like a gumball machine on the outside, but you get to that one by messing about in the macrosupermarket)

wow, your subconscious is weird.

I know right