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(1 edit) (+2)

Diving into Samantha I already had some familiarity with Vidas' games (Playing Insomnis Experiment and GentleMoon in prior videos and having plans to play the Timore Series) Playing through this I was surprised to find it was a demo as it seems like a fully complete game! I've already added the full game to my wishlist and am very eager for it to release. The game has multiple endings meaning there is a lot to be found/done. Give the game a try yourself, I really recommend it!

Here's my Let's Play incase anyone is interested!


Thank you for playing, for sharing your thoughts and for wishlisting the upcoming collection! I really appreciate that! And what's your favorite ending?


I honestly found ending 3 the best. It was pretty funny to me how the main character slowly pulls out the knife and it cuts to Samantha SHUSHANKED on the floor.


Yeah people expected a knife fight so maybe that's something I should think about for the full game :D