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Pretty good game! I like the idea, and it's awesome that it ramps up in difficulty as it goes on, which makes it a good challenge for players.

A few things you may want to change if you want a better chance of winning before the submission date arrives. First, the timer/score does not reset when you lose, which defeats the whole purpose of having a score. You could leave the game running for an hour and easily have an impossibly high score.

Also, because of the way the heart grows and shrinks, it is a bit unclear to the player what the size of the heart's hitbox is. I really like the idea of a changing hitbox with the heartbeat, but right now, the sprite's bouncing makes the hitbox size questionable, especially when the size of the sprite grows even more after death.

Finally, make sure that the difficulty does not grow to impossibility. Right now, it quickly gets to the point where the viruses become an impassable wall, and that spawn amount does not change after losing. Make sure that no matter how difficult, there is always a path forward, or at least a way to reset difficult after losing.

Also, more sound design could help.

Awesome game! Keep up the good work and keep making games!