For one, next time, I think you should name the zip file the name of the game as well as have it unzip into a folder rather than dumping the contents of said zip file where I happen to open it.
The cursor does not match where the reticle to aim is. The closer the cursor is to the character the worse the aim is. Which makes fighting enemies that get in your face, or when you are close proximity to them very difficult/inconsistent to hit. Which makes the boss artificially more difficult because you don't get to have the range to shoot from the optimal distance as well as dodge easily as the ink shots have greater spread, your projectile dissipates before it lands so you need to get closer which lowers your reaction time to getting fired upon.
I'm also disoriented whenever I enter a new stage because where I enter from doesn't always match where I spawn? Or at least it seemed that way where I would go up from the left and show up on the right side of the screen. Which also then resets my cursor which is hard to find on the screen because the art is inconsistent.
Do the enemies have outlines or not? Do the environmental objects have outlines or not? You can't have some with and some without. It should be consistent, so you know immediately what on the screen is hostile and where on the screen you are. As well as where your cursor is.
It's a clash of style because you've ripped assets from games like Stardew valley, and then you make the sprites of some of the enemies, and some of the projectiles, but not all of them, or if you did make all of them, you've got no agreed upon style choice. But it's clear you didn't make all the assets because the net gun fires fireballs instead of nets.
And especially with roguelikes, you need to give the player a chance to react, you can't just spawn them already in a room with the enemies already agro'd onto you and attacking. It's very cheap. Especially with the birds. Several spawns can just spawn them directly on top of you before you can even put distance between yourself and the enemy.
If you're going to go with a, 'rng, sometimes the enemies are already on you', add like a grace period or some form of dodge to avoid taking damage immediately upon entering a new area. Or have those enemies deal less damage so it's less punishing. Also maybe add some invulnerability frames upon getting hit instead of allowing the player to get hit multiple times in quick succession by being ganged up upon.
Which is to say I think this is a lot harder than it actually is because the RNG is what makes it difficult, not the game mechanics. I don't think it's fun to have claustrophobic levels with enemies that spam you with rocks in the way of sightlines that don't dissipate enemy projectiles but dissipates yours.
I think having set levels, rather than rng on what enemies spawn for each level would be better. You can maliciously place certain enemies to create specific enemy layouts with the only RNG being what level spawns rather than what enemies spawn on what level. There isn't much variation in play style to get away with having totally random enemy spawns. If you want to keep totally random enemies you need to make the levels less sprawled and give more attention to layouts on where enemies can spawn.
You shouldn't have 4 different level designs with the center of the room being inaccessible that all play incredibly similar. Maybe if you had a level with an enemy you can't kill but shoots in a pattern and you have to navigate a little maze layout sprawling around the screen to the exit or a button to open the exit. Or maybe like a room that's a figure 8 where you have to loop around enemies in the center of those empty spots of the 8. Just a little more variety because it's incredibly similar between runs the more you play it.
Also I feel like the placement of obstacles are kind of annoying given that your projectile is so huge. It also feeds into your aim being slightly or drastically off.
And also the rewards, or drop rates are fine, but I think you should just reward the player after 2 rooms or however many rooms with a choice that directly buffs the player. Because the spawn rate or drop rate of upgrades rather than healing items is really annoying on some runs where I got a lot of drops but they were all healing and not even max hp +1.
If you got a buff after defeating the boss would cool too. The Kraken is a textbook roguelike boss, it was well implemented. It's strange however the tentacles that divide the area into quadrants seem meaningless and creates wasted space. IF you could dodge roll or something to those other areas it would make more sense to do it like this. I mean you might as well just make the kraken larger and put them in the corner of the screen and have the tentacles break up the larger playing space rather than the smaller one.
The Crustacean Sensation However I found hard to reach. The tiny maps, and rocks that eat my projectiles made it so incredibly difficult that I wasn't very motivated to reach it again. And speed buffs did not make the game easier it made it harder to control the character. It isn't consistent what tiles you can and can't stand on and found myself clipping into the ocean where I subsequently perished to a shrimp as I found myself unable to make it back to walkable land.
Standing in the slowing ink of the kraken made it easier rather than harder.