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(2 edits)

The antepiece/tutorial is very well done, no complaints. The setpiece/second level is also very well done, no complaints. Lots of room for sequence breaking, definitely unintentional, very cool (I almost got to move a box above me off a floating platform without being able to reach it via carrying another box on my head and then jumping while moving sideways so that it’d push the box above me to the side and off the edge).

I think jump physics should be tweaked where you jump shorter if you release the jump button earlier. Also, I don’t understand why you would make E the carry key and not something on my right hand. I have two hands, I can use J or K or L or I or Enter or Semicolon or even the left mouse button as a carry key, I wouldn’t have made a big deal about this but a bunch of other games this week were also making the same mistake and I’m very confused why (it’s nothing personal, I’m just at my breaking point), but those are basically my only complaints. The levels were perfect for your design. Good job.

edit: whoops you can use the arrow keys to move, it didn’t say so in the tutorial so i didn’t try (my bad) i rescind my complains about this game being for people with only one hand