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(6 edits) (+1)

Reposting because I found another issue in same area and need to rewrite some things. Basically in the secret area:

  • Difficult to hear seashell whispers over music without moving the game's camera. Could you move the seashell to an open table and make the whispers louder? Or at least add a sound slider so we can increase the volume of sound effects without affecting music volume? Currently, the best way to hear them is to angle the camera either close to Eira's face (often her forehead) or next to the bookshelf, but the game makes moving the camera around objects awkward whenever it thinks the object is blocking the player's view. Therefore, a flat table would be better for it.
  • The shard near the mirror can be collected twice. If Eira grabs it during the festival, it'll appear again in the morning.
  • "Level complete!" only counts snowflakes but never shards. It's kind of a fun challenge trying to find shards but I keep bracing for some sort of "All Shards Found!" message every time I collect one.

I've managed to find 5 shards and 106 snowflakes but I'm not sure if the game is supposed to give me a 100% indicator or not. You don't need to reveal spoilers or the exact number of collectibles. I just wanna know if the game is supposed to tell the player "you got everything!" in any way or if there just isn't one fully programmed in yet.