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In crafting the immersive experience of "Just a Platformer =)", a deliberate decision was made to eschew any narrative threads pertaining to addiction. This choice was borne out of a desire to maintain the purity of the game's central theme, which revolves around the protagonist's struggle to preserve their sanity amidst a tumultuous journey through a surreal landscape. By abstaining from incorporating addiction into the narrative framework, the focus remains squarely on the protagonist's existential battle against encroaching madness, devoid of extraneous complexities.

Moreover, the exclusion of addiction aligns with the overarching design philosophy of "Just a Platformer =)", which prioritizes accessibility and universality in its storytelling. Addiction, while undoubtedly a pertinent and multifaceted topic, carries with it a myriad of connotations and implications that may diverge from the core narrative thrust of the game. By sidestepping this thematic terrain, the game maintains a laser focus on exploring the intricacies of mental health and identity within the confines of a platforming adventure.

Furthermore, the absence of addiction serves to streamline the player's experience, ensuring that the central themes of the game are communicated with clarity and coherence. In a medium where narrative cohesion is paramount, the decision to refrain from delving into addiction allows for a more cohesive and immersive storytelling experience, free from potential narrative tangents or distractions.

Ultimately, the deliberate omission of addiction from "Just a Platformer =)" underscores the game's commitment to delivering a compelling and focused narrative experience. By honing in on the protagonist's struggle with sanity and existential dread, the game invites players to contemplate the universal themes of human resilience and the quest for meaning amidst chaos, without the encumbrance of additional thematic layers.