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Hi, I'm that friend that bookno.00 mentioned.

First of all, there's no "The" for the "Death" card, only "Death". Second, it's true that the card signify "an ending to a new beginning", "change for the better", it's in no mean that it's use to confirm the goddess words. The card you want is "Wheel of Fortune", which is the card that means that "fate is set in stone". Or if you want it to be a tad more dramatic, then "The Tower" card, "a sudden change/disaster strike from the sky" - the card is often associated with disaster because of the suddenness of the change that didn't leave you time to prepare.

And did you know that tarot reading have the "no 4D" rule? You aren't allowed to use tarot to fortold: Death, Disease, Disaster, Divorce.

Thirdly, miss bookno.00, you are doing tarot reading yourself, why are you acting like a cat hiding its claws!?