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could anyone tell me why the characters are purple? please help me ou


I don't know the details (not a tech savy here) but it has something to do with rendering engines and GPUs. Try searching these topics, I'll believe you find something.

(1 edit)

Baja la calidad de los gráficos al juego en los ajustes, temo decirte que tu PC no es buena para este juego, consume buenos recursos, bueno solo se soluciona bajando los gráficos al mínimo, de ahí pedir que se arregle después no hay nada más que hacer. :))

Its becuse your GPU canot be that powerfull to correcly render the game. How to fix: lower graphis setting, if that didnt work then sorry, you need better GPU. This is what everyone says.

your graphics card is probably outdated or your computer isn't able to handle the game.