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(1 edit) (+1)

I like the game so far. The atmosphere is really eerie, when walking through the corridors. The steps seem a little bit off, so I often looked around if something walks behind me, mimicing my steps and always being one step too late when I stop. Alongside with the other sound effect it sounded like something is crawling behind the wall, ready to jump at me. I absolutely liked that feeling.

Not so sure about the notes I found and giving the things created by the Old Ones too much culture rather than just being created to worship the Old Ones. Yes, there were some kind of strange cities mentioned by Lovecraft, but I would not make them too similar to mankind with their colonizing and stuff.

Maybe there is an easier way for the equipment. I found it pretty impractical with the wheel, maybe just add quickslots on the bottom screen. Yes, we can already use quickslots, but would be even easier to use when you see what you got with you directly. On the other hand I really like that there is no HUD at all and you can totally focus on the environment and atmosphere.

Looking forward for a full game, I will definitely play that.
Keep doing such good work here.