As much as I like the current HS2 models I think I like the Blender one just as much, if not more, and can't wait to see what all the other characters look like once they're done! I can't figure out who I'm more eager to see next, Luna or Nobume.
I do have a couple questions:
With the new models I imagine you plan to go through the first 6 chapters and redo the renders. Will that be done with the chapter 7 update or will we be getting a remake of the first 6 chapters then chapter 7?
Totally unrelated to the new models (sorry!), just something that I noticed the other day and this is the perfect time to ask. Is this no longer a harem title? Noticed there's no longer the 'harem' tag on here or on F95 and I could've sworn that it had it before.
As always, looking forward to the next update! Hope everything goes by smoothly for you!