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(3 edits) (-8)

Maybe some of you will find this interesting:

Release 0.1. September 16, 2021. First Public Release.

Release 0.2. December 24, 2021. 11 weeks and 2 days. Christmas eve! Wow! Impressed by the dedication!

Release 0.3. May 5, 2022. 18 weeks and 6 days. Much longer than the previous one, X-mas break for 7 extra weeks?! Did he go on a cruise?

Release 0.4. September 3, 2022. 17 weeks and 2 days. 1 week and 2 days less than the previous release but still 6 weeks more than the one before that. What happened here? Ill call the slight decrease in development time from one release to the next an anomaly, since its literally the only time its happened.

Release 0.5. February 14, 2023. 23 weeks and 3 days. What a jump! 6 weeks and 1 day more than the previous release!?! What the heck happened?!

Release 0.6. August 22, 2023. 27 weeks!! Longest development time yet!!

Release 0.7 so far!  Current date 18/02/2024. 25 weeks and 5 days and there will be approximately one month between the Changelog and Release Date announcement and the Public Release.  Estimated total Development time for 0.7 release - Approximately 28 weeks.


if u think u can do a better job, then what are u waiting for?


Bro thats not his point.  hes talking to/about the people complaining about the wait time between 0.6 and 0.7


Wow! Thank you!


Have you read all his comments. There is very few if any people that are complaining other than him, the rest are asking politely not spamming or they are joining the proper channels, he has been rude, demanding, obnoxious and has some kind of power complex because he paid one time. 

He is spamming because he feels he is entitled to a reply and entitled to information that is on patreon/discord/subscribstar. 

He chooses not to join these platforms that is his problem not the creators. 

He wants to know why Caribdis does not pay attention to itch as much as patreon, that's an obvious statement and answer along with it. 


To be fair, no. I havent really paid too much attention to the usernames on the comment section, but a short look makes me realize that this guy spends a little too much of his free time on this page


Ah so I cant criticize this because I am not a Dev of greater skill than Caribdis? By that logic a journalist cant write a story unless they are also more skilled in whatever profession is involved than those they write about. A police officer cant be questioned unless its by a senior police officer... right?