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"My first ever game!" - ??

Well done! I came here to see the assets and downloaded your game. Surely you have some experience? Im currently learning Godot, so far so good. 

Narrow spaces are a pain, how are you doing movement/collision? Other then that game seems sound. 

Also, runs flawlessly with wine(Linux user)

If you get bored, have a look at my first public game and let me know what you think:

Thanks ;-)

Hey, thanks for your comment. I am a Webdeveloper and python programmer, so yes, I do have some experience. But not in game development. 

You are right, the narrow doors are a pain. I should change that. Actually, the game describes a work day at my office ;)
What do you mean how I do movement and collision? I use a Characterbody2D and KeyInput for movement, and the collisions are done in the tileset. In my tilemap I have different layers for floor, walls and items. 
Good to know it works on wine. I tried to get it run natively on Linux, but that didn't work. I wanted the game to run on my raspi with retropie, but I didn't succeed and gave up :(
Your game looks super fun! A lot of physics. I haven't used physics a lot, I'm really bad with maths lol.

For movement Godot can use move_and_slide or move_and_collide to make some really smooth movement/collisions. Really simplifies movement compared to Unity ;-)