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I was greatly perplexed how Dalia's arc was killed/"greyed" after the beach conversation, and judging by a couple other comments I saw, I wasn't alone in this. I was only able to finally figure it out by using a mod (which I also found in another comment) so in case anyone else ends up the same and wondering why, here's a somewhat nerfed spoiler; when given the choice whether or not to make a certain bet "more interesting", not doing that will kill her arc... but only after the beach is it actually greyed out, not immediately after you've made the wrong choice so to speak. Bit harsh I think.


That's fair, I might change that so it greys out earlier!


Huh. Wow. I did not expect an official response; I see there's this other guy commenting a lot, complaining that most the official information is on Discord/Patreon etc. mostly. Personally I can understand why that's the case so I appreciate that even stuff here on itch gets attention. But I'm rambling, what I originally meant to say is thank you for reading and considering feedback, no matter where it's posted.

I just finished the current content a bit less than an hour ago and I think it's great for the most part. Don't think I've laughed anywhere near as much in any other game of this type; particularily the scenes with Alexandra dealing with Axel and Dalia/Penelope's interactions if both are pursued.