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Hello from France :)

In the beginning I just wanted to see if there was some good stuff to play on Itch and I saw this game in the list !

I installed it and finished the demo an hour ago, and man... That's something very very cool and I'll definitely buy it when it's complete version is out !

As I loved the Resident Evil series (especially the 4th ;P Ashley SHUT UP for f**k sake haha) and Silent Hill 2 & 3, I must say I've been served a great meal here, that was one hell of a good surprise ! 

The gameplay feels good and smooth to me, the enemies encountered so far are cool (I don't want to spoil but this f***ing bald guy in the big house, God he is SO scary x'D)
The puzzles are well constructed, I'd say pretty intuitive but they make you think a bit sometimes too which makes a good balance to my eyes actually !

In the very beginning I definitely had this "The Evil Within" vibe as we play some kind of detective who gets into a machine to enter a tortured mind, that's a pleasant reference to me if it is a reference to it ;) why not implement some aspects of this game too ! For example enable/disable flashlight and some stealth passages not to be seen by some fellas to sh*t in your pants even more ;P

That's pretty much what came to my mind after this, I hope my feedback will help !
YES, I had a good time playing this little piece and now I can't wait to see more. Great job !

Hi Jboos,

Thank you for the very nice comment. That is great to hear and it's very encouraging. We will try to deliver the BEST game that we can.

I saw you joined on Discord. We shall see you there!

Thanks again!
