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(4 edits)


Yes, I have SOMEthing similar...

my parents left me at home for family schooling (because of the war :/)

I got my education completely on my own, and I managed it perfectly

but I missed communication and friends (however, there was more time for a narrow one :P)

finally they let me go to school

All my classmates can't wait until school let us go home, and at the end, but of every day I'm very sad that I have to go home

I hate home because I want freedom

parents seem to think that spending a school day is a lot of freedom

and when I come, I have to listen to this endless monologue, how hard it is for them, and then they burden me with a younger brother with a disabilitу

sometimes, if my younger brother hit his head, because of that I was beaten...

no matter what, there was only one explanation: "he is disabled, don't compare yourself to him"

I was still very young, but already very burdened with the task of "helping with my brother".

because of that, I didn't go outside at all...

but I think, I have very good parents❀️

Wdym cause of the war


shes ukrainian

ahh right